Round1-3 debut7s debut8s
Mylene, Hideaki & Kenichi were all shocked. Mylene was crying & telling Aiko to get up, Hideaki was speechless & Kenichi was somehow angry with himself at that moment. The referee started counting while Aiko was lifeless in the mat.
Everything was a blur in Aiko's crying eyes; she suddenly had flashbacks when she was a little girl. It was the first time she met Mylene, the three girls of higher-grade levels in school were bullying her. "I need to fight for the ones"...Aiko fought one of the bully girls, just as she was about to win the other girls cheated & ganged up on her. They beated her really bad. "Why.... Why am I not...? Strong?".... Suddenly a boy arrived with a very big spider in his hand scaring the bully girls away. It was Hideaki, it was the first time Aiko & Mylene met him. Then a image of Kenichi appeared, it was the first time he saw him & somehow his heart went pity-pat over him. "What is this.... Is
Aiko was somehow moved inside & drew strength from her friends. Aiko got up at the ninth count. The referee asked her if she could continue she nodded her head saying yes.
debut9s victoryani1
