Round1-2 debut4s debut5s
Round two started. Both fighters were giving it their best while Aiko's friends watched in excitement. Suddenly a very strong left uppercut to the body hit Aiko's gut, almost pushing away her mouthpiece out from her mouth because of all the air the blow pushed upward. "Aiko's hurt!" says Kenichi. Aiko now was really weakened by the blow to her body & hurt bad that all she could do was defend herself & runaway from Mei-Ling's attack. Mylene was shouting, "Come on Aiko! fight back! fight back!" Kenichi was somehow in confusion, he was somehow blaming himself inside why did he agree to such a deal & let Aiko fight. Aiko was in no condition to defend herself anymore. All Aiko was able to think of at that moment is Kenichi, Kenichi teaching her in the future & somehow gaining his respect. Mei Ling threw a right cross sending Aiko to the ropes, when she bounced back, She charged in throwing a very strong left to Aiko's face throwing her mouthpiece away & knocking her down real hard.
debut6s victoryani1
